Hello Everyone,

We have been exposed to privacy related issues over the recent years, ever since the Snowden revelation. While we generally know how data/metadata can be used to build a social graph, suggest us ads based on what we searched or talked about. I would like to know how it is actually done?

In case of services that can access user’s data/metadata like Facebook, Google and E2EE services where only metadata is accessible (in varying amounts) (assuming E2EE is implemented properly so only data is accessible). And, we also have I have nothing to hide or I don’t care if they use my data to suggest ads people. How do we make them understand the real implications of privacy & security and how breach of that data/metadata can impact them now or in the future.

Any resources to read more on these issues would be much appreciated. I’m gathering & reading up on resources from my own search through blogs & other social media platforms. Would like to know the views of lemmy community members here.

  • Rugged RaccoonOP
    23 years ago

    I get that argument, so only if the Governments are concerned about this and take action against these entities, will more people become curious?

    • @[email protected]
      33 years ago

      I believe it can at least give a sense of credibility to the whole privacy issue. It kinds of invalidates the “tinfoil hats” argument when there are active legal cases ongoing. It’s not about a few individuals, it’s literally a new currency of people’s data.