I suffered terrible OCD from age 4-27, once diagnosed and I did ERP it finally eased off, rarely have episodes today… around the same time I got iBS following antibiotic treatment (circa 2011) - guts are never the same since. The last two years I’ve felt intense fatigue and depression - the gradual onset left me thinking I was “getting old” at 38(!)
NOW, almost by luck I was off 2 weeks with bad IBS and finally got referred to specialist who was almost certain I have celiac(!?). Gastroscopy and colonoscopy confirm this last week. I’ve been off gluten almost a month and am DESPERATE for recovery.
Work is humiliating when I battle to focus 2/47, a physical head pain whenever I’m interrupted or have to guess what a customer wants. Home life is a battle just to deal with bills, finance decisions repairs etc because I can’t focus. Simple decisions are like algebra problems :(
I’m trying to take a needed vacation next month and can barely focus enough to plan it.
some folks have no digestive issues but diagnosis comes after purely mental symptoms
Wow, that all sounds really rough. I hope you make a full recovery!
Thanks, I probably will. Every thought I have is filtered through a weak mind that doesn’t have proper nutrients and iron But when it does recover I will see clearly … I hope 🤞