I’m looking for an escooter small and light enough for my daughter to take onto a bus and then ride a km or two through a college campus?

But I’m having trouble finding a suitable model. Whenever I go to a dealer, they always want to sell me something rather huge and heavy. She’s not that big. Maybe 5’3 with a slender build? When I suggest perhaps their child model would be more suitable, they say they wouldn’t be up to the task for one reason or another.

Any suggestions on what to look for?

  • 🇨🇦 tunetardisOP
    2 years ago

    Good points!

    She’s in a veterinary program so it’s not your usual lecture hall type situation where she could presumably carry it around and lean it on the seat next to her. Much more hands on lab work and stuff. Otoh I’ve been there a couple of times and it seems very close-knit with profs and students alike on a first name basis, so theft may not be a huge issue? Also, the vet school has its own building that’s far away from the rest of the campus, so no one else goes there. Including, alas, the bus, which is where the scooter comes in :)

    • Showroom7561
      2 years ago

      Well, I do hope that she finds a transportation solution that works for her.

      And congrats! You must be very proud!