This week, the genetic testing company 23andMe filed for bankruptcy, which means the genetic data the company collected on millions of users is now up for sale. If you don't want your data included in any potential sale, it’s a good time to ask the company to delete it.
I tried to hide my identity as much as possible when I made the account. This included using a pseudo-random email address, fake name, fake address, and (unfortunately) fake birthday, as all of those things could be used as foreign keys to try to match my identity
I tried to hide my identity as much as possible when I made the account. This included using a pseudo-random email address, fake name, fake address, and (unfortunately) fake birthday, as all of those things could be used as foreign keys to try to match my identity
The real DNA negates a lot of that unfortunately. If any family member also used the service they can use that to triangulate your identity.
You have to keep track of your fake identity next time