Preferred is a very strong word as a summary of my position.
I said that I preferred two different voting methods for the two different levels of chambers, and as such suggested PR for one of them.
I would prefer removal of the Lords and devolution of English powers to regional authorities leaving the renamed Commons to deal with national/international positions and delegating basically everything that would get devolved to Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland to the three Regional Authorities.
Party-lists is the most proportional, followed by mixed-member proportional and then single transferable vote.
You’re the first person I have met who preferred party-lists, I suppose the people in my area really like the local representation.
Preferred is a very strong word as a summary of my position.
I said that I preferred two different voting methods for the two different levels of chambers, and as such suggested PR for one of them.
I would prefer removal of the Lords and devolution of English powers to regional authorities leaving the renamed Commons to deal with national/international positions and delegating basically everything that would get devolved to Wales/Scotland/Northern Ireland to the three Regional Authorities.