Sign up below to deliver Fair Vote Canada door hangers in your area! This is a great way to remind thousands of local voters that Canada needs proportional representation. For door hangers to happen in your riding, we will need an ORGANIZER and lots of FOOT POWER! Here’s what happens if you sign up to be an Organizer, in a few simple steps: We’ll get in touch with you in the next few days. We’ll send out an email to Fair Vote Canada supporters in your local area to see if more people can help deliver door hangers.
Good idea but maybe spend money on an influencer to get the messeage out to people as well.
That’s an interesting suggestion. While influencers could certainly help spread awareness, there’s unique value in door-to-door canvassing that social media can’t replicate.
Person-to-person conversations create opportunities for genuine dialogue about why proportional representation matters. When someone takes time to knock on a door, it signals that electoral reform isn’t just another online talking point - it’s important enough that ordinary citizens are dedicating their time and energy to it.
Resources are also a consideration. Fair Vote Canada operates on limited funding and volunteers. Influencer campaigns can be costly while reaching an audience that may not be geographically targeted. Door hangers can directly reach voters in swing ridings where candidates might be more responsive to electoral reform demands.
That said, I agree we need a multipronged approach. Perhaps the most effective strategy combines traditional canvassing with strategic digital outreach. Remember that proportional representation isn’t a partisan issue - it’s a democratic principle that benefits all Canadians regardless of political leaning.
Every additional person we convince - whether through door hangers, social media, or any other method - gets us one step closer to a truly representative democracy.