The Carbon Tax was a major part of Trudeau’s downfall near the end of his term. Why did he have such a hard-on for the Carbon Tax? Why didn’t he cancel it when he had a chance and maybe salvage his political career? Why did Carney scrap it on his first day?
EDIT thanks for all the responses. It now makes so much sense. Trudeau was on his way out. He knew it. He took all the heat so that the new leader could take credit and ushering in a “We’re not Trudeau” party leadership, potentially saving the party during the next election and sticking it to Poillivere
I’m not sure how intentional b) is, but I think it will work. Plus, I believe what replaces it will not actually be better, just less transparent and not be in people’s faces. Killing the tax and introducing a new non-consumer facing tax would get torn to shreds with Trudeau doing it.