I find them to be mostly very well made, long-lasting and would rank Japan on the same level as many European countries across most metrics

  • TheGoddessAnoia
    20 hours ago

    That’s a BIG question! I mean, traditional arts and related products (like silicone or acrylic bentos) are generally really good, clothes are, as everywhere, from fabulously made and expensive to crap that falls apart if you sneeze at it from across the road, and there is WAY too much kawaii in everything, just – ewwww! Stationary and office supplies tend to be better quality, but personal stationary, like fashion and interior design, suffers from terminal cutes. Anime and manga have become, imho, really repetitive and derivative,and if I see one more tourist souvenir featuring Hokusai’s Great Wave, I will, so help me Daikini Shinten, invoke every tanuki pretending to be a tea pot to come tear every last copy to tiny bits of random fluff.

    Now, where was I… Oh, yeah. Good ceramics in Kappabashi.