I recently bought a pair of KZ zsn pro x from the official store on ali express and when I started listening to them they sound really empty with seemingly no base. This is comparing to my budget gaming headphones (razer blackshark v2) From what I’ve heard online there is nothing but good things said about them. I got them on special for like 15 bucks which is so cheap.

Is it normal for iem’s to have a almost non existent base compared to headphones or did I just get a bad batch of what I ordered? I did hear some complaints about bad Qc which I think means quality control so maybe thats the problem I’m no audiophile so I don’t really know.

[[SOLVED]] Never mind guys sorry I am a little bit silly. They really need to go all the way right up your ears.

  • Rose56
    11 hours ago

    Yea, I saw the “solved” part, I just wanted to inform others too regarding IEMS. btw, how you tried asmr with them ? its a blow mind IMO!