With Duverger’s Law (i.e., in non-PR electoral systems, a trend towards a two-parties), we are running out of time to act. Canada’s 2021 effective number of parties is 2.76 - this number will decrease over time, and will eventually end Canadian democracy as we know it today.

  • TheFeatureCreature
    2 days ago

    One glimmer of hope: Canada is growingly increasingly closer to the EU after being shunned by the US. Where we go from here is anybody’s guess, but I have to wonder if we will start to see some EU-styled politics make its way over here. Will we start seeing more European businesses taking an interest in Canada? Canada might not be able to join the EU directly, but proportional representation is a must for membership and having it would likely make Canada look good in the eyes of the EU.

    But yes, resisting fascist influence from the US and Russia will continue to be a hurdle.