I’ve witnessed so many straight guys that either appear gay or hang out with gays encounter very little friction meeting, talking to and dating women. The girls around them tend to drop their guard right away and chat and joke around quite easily.
It’s like a speedpass. Once they realize they’re straight the swiftness of moving onto the next steps is about as fast as the average gay. It could also be that in those environments there is very little competition so there’s that bias to consider.
I’ve witnessed so many straight guys that either appear gay or hang out with gays encounter very little friction meeting, talking to and dating women. The girls around them tend to drop their guard right away and chat and joke around quite easily.
It’s like a speedpass. Once they realize they’re straight the swiftness of moving onto the next steps is about as fast as the average gay. It could also be that in those environments there is very little competition so there’s that bias to consider.
You are probably onto something.