The bcliberals have set the bar too high! It should’ve been a 51% threshold. As 30% of the vote determines the next 4 years of our province.
A New Zealand politician has unsuccessful advocated for the dirty trick that a majority of the population should vote yes to pr in the referendum for the result to be valid not just the voter percentage of the vote.
RE: In 2005, BC held a referendum with 57.69% in favour of a PR electoral system known as Single Transferable Vote (STV). No change whatsoever occurred.
Full comment.
The bcliberals have set the bar too high! It should’ve been a 51% threshold. As 30% of the vote determines the next 4 years of our province.
A New Zealand politician has unsuccessful advocated for the dirty trick that a majority of the population should vote yes to pr in the referendum for the result to be valid not just the voter percentage of the vote.