A California legislator is seeking to bar the state’s minors from buying “anti-aging” skin care products — items that contain active ingredients like retinol, vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids. There are a number of issues with the bill and it would be hard to enforce, but @Allure’s April Daniels Hussar says it does serve to prove a point. “There is real emotional danger when it comes to anti-aging marketing and the psyche of children and teenagers,” she writes, citing examples of a 14-year-old with a comprehensive routing to “slow down the aging process” and an 18-year-old showing off her Botox. Here’s the full story.
#Beauty #Lifestyle #Parenting #Children #Skincare #Teenagers
Force companies to use better language instead of outright banning products. Not “anti-aging” there is no such thing- aging is perpetual and unending- $60 skin care products don’t cut it
@[email protected] The term “anti-aging” is so problematic in that, why would we want to be “anti-age?” What is wrong with aging?
Nothing wrong with aging. But convincing the “monkey brain” into believing that some “cream of anti age” will make any difference. Especially for young humans this ban is here to help protect Anti-aging could be broken down into descriptors of what the cream or lotion “may achieve”. For example: it has moisturizers in it that work too…etc. There is no cream or lotion that will “take time off your face or skin”