Assuming you end Expedition 17 with the Wraith as your ship, you can go to the Expedition terminal and copy the ship (in exchange for nanites) as per usual. The Wraith has a bunch of nice living ship modules on it.
Two options: store the modules and then salvage the ship; or store the ship in your hanger (so it isn’t in your list of active ships). Then claim it again. Lather rinse repeat until you have enough upgrade modules for whatever you need.
You can also claim it from the Quicksilver terminal once.
Yes, but that is predicated on having living frigates. That relies on RNG allowing you to even get the things needs to get living frigates. 300 hours and I’ve never been that lucky.
The trick is to use an anomaly detector (or whatever they’re called) in pulse drive, keep going when there’s an anomaly detected unless it sounds like a whale. Then drop out of pulse and recruit the organic frigate.
Esit: It might need to be in an abandoned system.
Unless my understanding is wrong, you first need to get the recipe to build the Dream Aerial – – which is a random frigate expedition reward. Here’s where RNG can bite you. Only after you have that recipe and have built the Dream Aerial can you begin to pulse for the Living Frigates.
I’ve never found the recipe for the Dream Aerial.
It has been a while, I’d forgotten about the dream aerial. I think I got it from the expedition on my main saves.
Yeah, and if you didn’t do that expedition, you’re hooped waiting for RNG.
After my last post, I discovered that allegedly you can savescum to improve your chances of getting it – save, complete a frigate expedition (needs to be at least a three star expedition) – if it doesn’t drop, reload the save, repeat. I’m going to try it on the weekend.
Ooh, didn’t know that save technique.