From its launch in 2018 until 2021-2022

  • stardust
    1 month ago

    Epic made headlines when Metro Exodus that was set for a steam launch and even had physical copies with the steam logo, abruptly decided to pull their launch after entering into a deal with Epic.

    Then came the contracts to not release on Steam. And from the DARQ dev turned out that also included GOG too.

    I was contacted by the Epic Store, proposing that I enter into an exclusivity agreement with them instead of releasing DARQ on Steam. They made it clear that releasing DARQ non-exclusively is not an option. I rejected their offer before we had a chance to talk about money.

    Free games are nice, but that doesn’t guarantee affection when it comes to paying customers. It wasn’t like this was some small indie company but another billion dollar company trying to pull a Walmart, so some people just weren’t won over by the free games into being happy with the exclusivity deals. Those people weren’t happy having choice forced away.

    I still haven’t spent money on epic but I do claim the free games. Yet I will probably never spend money there even though I’ve spent money at GOG, uplay, bnet, and origin because the first impression and approach they took rubbed me the wrong way. So even people who don’t only buy from steam were turned off with the strategy they took.

    Now some people don’t care and will buy from there, so this just the point of view of people who dislike Epic.