@ClassifiedPancake@Sunshine@apple_enthusiast I’ve tried to report it and haven’t found a way through their category questions to say something, particularly a natural geographical feature, is mislabeled, only that some location is missing from the maps.
@Sunshine@astrsk too true. People, including me, have been trying to get them to natively support odf for iWork to make it useful beyond a personal productivity suite but nada for years.
Apple doesn’t listen to feedback much.
Ah, yeah, we shouldn’t try then.
They have been correcting all my map reports pretty consistently. But I’m suspecting this one will be different.
@ClassifiedPancake @Sunshine @apple_enthusiast they really, really need to ditch Cook and get back to their roots.
I don’t believe Apple will ever go back to that. They have become too big.
@ClassifiedPancake @Sunshine @apple_enthusiast I’ve tried to report it and haven’t found a way through their category questions to say something, particularly a natural geographical feature, is mislabeled, only that some location is missing from the maps.
@Sunshine @astrsk too true. People, including me, have been trying to get them to natively support odf for iWork to make it useful beyond a personal productivity suite but nada for years.