Weekly thread to discuss whatever you’re working on, big or small, at work or in your free time.

  • hperrin
    2 months ago

    I’m working on implementing a new email parser and a new blob storage for my email service, https://port87.com/

    The new parser has a number of benefits, including being able to parse emails that consist of only binary data (something like emailing a zip file, without a text body, which Google does for their DMARC reports). It also makes it a lot easier for me to parse and store attachments.

    The new blob storage has the biggest benefit, that I can store things with arbitrary keys (just like S3), but it will automatically dedupe the data (unlike S3). It’s a WebDAV server that I also wrote, and it’s open source:


    I’m also working on storing all of the original email streams in blob storage, so that when I implement IMAP, I don’t have to rebuild the email streams.

    This simplifies the data storage requirements, because I don’t have to store everything necessary to rebuild the stream into the database. I can just store the text, HTML, and references for all the attachments.

    I honestly don’t understand why the industry has settled on the S3 protocol for blob storage. It’s not a great protocol, and it really limits what you can do. WebDAV is super extensible and if you design your system right, works just as well as S3 for the things S3 is supposed to be better at, like paginated listing.