Centre left: Rounding switch - Always round up / rounding off if the last digit is 0-4, rounding up if the digit is 5-9 / always round down (truncate)
Centre right: Decimal switch - switch between monetary values (A), fixed decimal point (number of digits to the right of the decimal that are shown) (02346), floating point mode (all digits) (F)
Right: Sigma switch - adds the results of the = or % key to the accumulator (useful when summing up ledgers)
Left: Not sure, perhaps turning print mode on/off?
This seems to be a calculator for businesses.
), fixed decimal point (number of digits to the right of the decimal that are shown) (02346
), floating point mode (all digits) (F
key to the accumulator (useful when summing up ledgers)Reference: https://manualmachine.com/victortechnology/14603/753934-user-manual/
Was about to reply with guesses for centre two switches that match your reply. But you’ve got the manual so I’ll just say: great answer! :)