I don’t know if I should change the title to ‘does unbiased media exist?’

I just found out a Washington Post cartoonist quit after a Bezos satire she draw was rejected.

I was until today a reader of said newspaper, but after this kind of censorship I don’t know if I should keep reading it.

Note that I’m not looking for media sources that fabricate outrage either for the left or for the right or news sources whose business model is to editorialize titles to work people up. I’m just looking for unbiased media sources.

Maybe this was a stupid question: everyone is biased, or am I wrong?

  • adarza
    2 months ago

    ‘the chart’ is a good starting point.

    note: linking to harvard because they have a static snapshot that is viewable without scripting enabled. just click it to go to the source at ad fontes.

    i tend to stick with local public radio. it’s always on when i’m in the car. when i see a post or headline that i want to read more about, i feed it to the duck and look for relevant content at places like reuters, ap, npr, or the nearest major papers (milwaukee, madison) that aren’t in chicago (too much ‘chicagoland’ in them, and i avoid the city).