What would be the minimum specifications/features that an Analogue Pocket 2 should have for you to buy it?

For me:

  • OpenFPGA
  • FPGA chip that can handle up to Nintendo 64
  • 6 front main action buttons (like Saturn)
  • Dual analogue sticks
  • Horizontal format
  • Dock with DAC

As an extra, I would say that I do not need cartridge slot. I have a lot of physical games, but I do not use them in my AP.

  • Maxx
    2 months ago

    At that point why not just get a steamdeck and emulate the games? It would essentially be the same thing. I think Analogue is more interested in making high-quality modern versions of old consoles. The openfpga stuff is just kind of a bonus.

    To answer your question though, I think a dual-screen system capable of playing DS games would be neat and more in line with what Analogue does, once such a thing is possible.