Consider watching this video with FreeTube, a nifty open-source program that lets you watch YouTube videos without Google spying on your viewing habits!

Combined with Libredirect, which automatically opens youtube links in Freetube, it becomes really slick and effortless to use.

  • wise_pancake
    4 months ago


    I’m more and more realizing that left wing politics and non-toxic masculinity have a communication problem more than anything.

    The right wing politicians near me are putting up angry YouTube videos every few days. They don’t promise any real solutions, but they say “we hear your pain, support us and we’ll support you”, and to a lot of struggling people that’s all they need to hear to support them.

    For traditional masculinity, when I was younger I did have to try and figure that meant in my world. In todays world you hear a lot about toxic masculinity and how awful the patriarchy is, and for young not rich men it just sounds exclusionary. Then you have influencers like Tate going around saying it’s okay to want fast cars and be “manly”, and that society is forgetting you, so you need to grab what you can. Unfortunately his version of manliness is frankly weak and vapid and sexist, but he’s the only one teaching young men who are struggling.

    The algorithms and hours of social media the average person browses daily make this so much worse, but we need more people just reaching out and acknowledging the pain people are feeling, and only then can we start building each other back up in a healthy way.