• Phoenixz
    4 months ago


    I think that of democracy will ever return to the US, current news outlets in the US should all go on the cutting block

    Fuck the 24 hour news cycle where “journalists” all hunt around like creeps to get that latest story because we gotta broadcast something in those 24 hours… Let’s broadcast any and all crime, making people feel unsafe. That’ll get us more clicks!

    News should be paid by an independent, neutral government organization that will finance actual journalism. The results from said journalism will be available on a number of sites, and maybe a Humber of TV channels at limited hours, like ut used to be in the past. News organizations should not and can not be owned by individuals, it WILL be abused. Laws must be enacted to require news to be truthful and anything even remotely pretending to be news should be limited by those laws. Mistakes can be made and when that happens, retractionsust be broadcasted or made available in websites with the same intensity as the mistake that was broadcasted

    The US needs news sources that they can trust in because say what you want about magas, they’re right in that the main stream media in the US is utter shit and cannot be trusted. It’s just that they are wrong about what sources are bad. They’re all bad, but their sources, fox news, oan, etc, are the worst by factors…