Why would he stop at removing bike lanes?

The MTO is on his side, and when his plan to reduce and remove bike lanes fails to ease traffic congestion (hint: because they aren’t causing it), why wouldn’t he go after banning all cycling from major roads using the same reasoning (that cycling itself is the cause of all our traffic problems)?

I don’t see any end to his overreach, and it’ll be a matter of time before ebikes, then regular bikes, become highly restricted in Ontario.

Convince me otherwise.

  • psvrh
    5 months ago

    He won’t, but only because the point of bike lane removal in the Act isn’t bikes or traffic.

    The point of the bike lane removal in the Act is to keep people talking about bike lanes, instead of how the Act also has provisions for skipping the environmental assessment of the 413, as well as bypassing the requirement for civil engineers, who are on strike and will be for a bit.

    The Act is all about getting the 413 built. The nonsense about bike lanes is to keep people from paying attention to the land grab and payoff to Ford’s developer buddies.

    Ford doesn’t give a shit about bike lanes in Toronto, or traffic in Toronto. He cares very much about getting the 413 built so that his donors can realized their real estate investments.