As I get older, I find I have no interest in playing the cutesy/silly games that are everywhere on retro consoles (obviously, they were targeted towards kids). But I also don’t have the patience for survival horror games like the resident evil or silent hill series. I’m just looking for a fun spooky game that I can jump into and start playing.

So what are your favorite action-oriented games featuring skeletons and bats and horror movie monsters that aren’t actually trying to scare you? Any platform, any year. I’m looking for games whose entire theme is spooky, not just a single haunted house or graveyard level.

  • WhoDestroysTheGond
    8 months ago

    Ghost Manor for the 2600 is a fun game with lots of atmosphere. However it’s also pretty simple and will only occupy you for 10-20 minutes. It sure was a blast when I was a little kid, though.

    There’s also Monster Bash, the 1982 Sega arcade game.