While I know this survey is biased, it’s people who watch Brulosophy content and answer surveys, but my own experience backs this up: https://brulosophy.com/2024/05/27/2024-general-homebrewer-survey-results/

My personal experience mirrors that as well. Everyone in my homebrew group is that. Everyone in surrounding groups (as seen in pictures of state-wide gatherings) is that. 95% of the people I see in homebrew shops are that.


  • bionicjoey
    9 months ago

    Even if her gender and name adjusts the probability somewhat, it should all still be cancelled out by the order of magnitude by which the number of farmers outnumbers teachers, even in countries where a name like Paige is common. Teachers are an incredibly uncommon profession in the grand scheme of things, because it only takes a small proportion of them for a society to function (no offense intended to teachers of course)

    But I will admit, I believe the original version of this thought experiment didn’t give the woman a name. I was just trying to be a bit more descriptive haha. I’m pretty sure the thought experiment also predates the level of automation that is now common in agriculture. I was mostly just reconstructing it from memory.

    Edit: yeah I just looked it up and in the US there is roughly the same number of teachers and farmers (around 3.5-4 million). I guess this particular version of the thought experiment is dead. But you could construct a similar one with a more common profession. Or just pretend it’s still the 60s when you give your answer. Farming has simply become way too automated in the modern era.

    Edit 2: I’m just now realizing the original version of this that I heard was with librarians, not teachers! Librarians are actually still orders of magnitude less common than farmers so it would work in that case. This is what I get for relying on memory for my clever comments.