• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 19th, 2023


  • That’s a valid point, I’ll probably explain why I like it.

    I don’t look up, I look down for the second and primary is eye height. I’m on Linux with KDE which has a nice 10px boundary before passing onto the next screen so I can snap all I want. I can also snap on my top bar which has the launcher, taskbar and stuff.

    I can access my bar from both the top and the bottom which is nice and convenient. Here’s a picture of the insanity :)

  • Don’t know why you would jump to that conclusion straight away. Mín billable hours and time spent thinking on the problem is a thing. Taking regular 5m breaks (pomodoro technique) also helps with getting things done and so on and people should be paid for it.

    I mean, you should technically stop the clock if the wife calls to ask if there’s pasta at home but nobody really cares.

    Adding significant amount of hours to a report would not be ethical but adjusting 10% to get paid for time laying in bed thinking about problems is still ethical from my point of view. It’s way more value than most meetings.

    Your cultural context way vary.

  • SS7 protocol for 2G and 3G is vulnerable to man in the middle attack, easy to spy on people with. They use a walled garden approach al the primary defence mechanism and you can gain access through in for the low low price of couple of thousands of USD.

    Couple of exploits are intercepting or monitoring calls and texts and triangulating position by checking what cell towers are in range.