If you take the rocket and let it sink into the ocean, you don’t even need fuel.
If you take the rocket and let it sink into the ocean, you don’t even need fuel.
If we don’t hold then accountable, they will never change.
The campaign was weak, they waited too long to switch off Biden, they kept the genocide going and didn’t offer any hope.
People that didn’t vote suck but there’s enough blame to go around. We can have an honest discussion on how fucked the dems keep acting now that’s it over.
There’s a difference between not disparaging them before the election and not enabling their behavior after it.
They got beat up because of what they said and their behavior, not because of where they were from.
I also think location has to do with it. The dev team behind Coromon are in Europe while both Nintendo and the Palworld devs are in Japan.
From what I understand from a previous article, japanese patent laws can be quite strict.
Are you happy? Is the vibe nice? Are people friendly? Are you being paid a fair amount or can you get more at an other job? Do they respect your private life, are they stressing you out? How is the commute?
There are other things to consider then industry best practices. You might very well end up in a place that treats you like shit, is much farther and let’s you go the moment they don’t need you.
No way he’s getting 7 years just for using a passport as ID and not having plates. What did he do?
The oil barons win
I overpressure myself, as if I was constipated, each time I get cravings. I basically make my body as uncomfortable as I can so it learns that cravings=pain.
In the past, I’ve used hand rolled tobacco to ween myself off. It’s a lot harder to just grab a smoke when driving for instance. But cold turkey is best. I usually wait until I get sick before starting stopping since it tends to skip the nasty craving in the first few days. After a week or two, it gets much easier.
Remember, having a smoke every now and then will work until it doesn’t.
It’s better to keep private companies in charge of environmental regulations and worker protection, they will self-regulate.
God knows they won’t mouth fuck us the moment they have a monopoly at least.
You can add Gaben to that list. Steam can do no wrong even though Gaben spend between 75 and 100 million per year on maintenance for his yatch fleet.
Billionaire simps disgust me.
Every country subsidized their auto industry, it’s just that all the benefit goes directly to ceos except in china apparently.
Ford received 9 billion in June.
I’m not sure what the best course of action is but it is worrying behavior. Those are the biggest news communities. There are also two people who are moderators on both instance, if you were banned from both by the same person, that is quite problematic.
I respect him for it but I really wish he would surround himself with a competent dev team, at least for the new one.
Hard to say, I would start with a macropad. There are a lot of project out there so you can browse around until you find something you like.
Here is a recent one: https://hackaday.com/2024/10/21/zero-to-custom-macropad-in-37-easy-steps/
It requires quite a bit of skills and tools, although jlcpcb can solder on the components for you so you can focus on only designing if you wish.
I would use Kicad to make the schematic and pcb, and Fusion 360 for any 3d modeling. Fusion has a free non commercial version, you just have to find it. They kind of hide it on their main website.
I like phils lab on YouTube for pcb design stuff but he isn’t exactly beginner friendly and mainly focuses on audio related things.
You can pop it yourself, you just need something sharp enough.
Lemmy let’s them respond to you even when blocked. Kind of funny to block someone for harassment and still see a comment removed pop up behind one of my comments a few hours later.
I find it fair in a way, I just wish it hid it from me completely since curiosity usually gets the best out of me. I’ve only had to block one person this whole time anyways, so it’s really not the end of the world either.
If you cant find one, making your own keyboard isn’t too difficult. It’s a great hobby project and there’s a lot of ressources online to build one.
I feel like they did the equivalent of watching it burn, as the fire department. Gaza was a fire they could have put out, they let it burn. They were making headway on climate change and then promoted fracking at the debate. Biden was clearly going to be a problem but they just let it burn until it was a mess.
We have to be vocal. People want change. We can’t have another election where the dems run on “at least we aren’t pouring gasoline on it like the GOP”.
They don’t need pity, their feelings don’t have to be protected. We can be harsh with them.