Greenwash your way out of this one, assholes!
In my mind, if your operation has a potential impact on the environment, then: everything that happens while you are there is your fault. The people of Nigeria have been impoverished because of this nonsense; it’s no wonder some of them are trying to take back any little thing they can. I hate that this is happening at all. Fuck Shell, and fuck all corporations like them. They lied about greenhouses gasses, and they have stolen the birthright of every individual in every country they have occupied. They are a blight upon the earth.
it’s ok, those chemicals are from nature!
Sam Obisanya will see about this!
Can’t imagine the Western media latching onto this too much, especially the right wing media.
I like to get more info:
That site is quite interesting
It’s my main way to view news - you don’t se the many stupid stories and editorials that warp your mind on most newspaper sites, and you can see stories that you wouldn’t normally see, and see how other news sources portray them.
Western media are “liberal” just not like that… They don’t let stupid views hinder their profits.