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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/RTBecard on 2025-01-31 20:57:09+00:00.

I’m following the FF7 rebirth nvidia issues on the proton github repo.

Its frustrating to follow. There are experts on that forum trying to diagnose complex problems… But most of the messages are just noise…

People posting repeat messages (without reading the posts from 2 days earlier), or more recently, complaining about “lazy ___ devs don’t care about my ultra niche issue” kinda vibes.

Open source software needs constructive communication to work… Github issues are a key forum for that.

Before writing a comment in a github issue, (i) please read the whole thread, and (ii) carefully consider “will my message help this issue get solved any faster?”.

If someone posts an specific issue that you also have, just give a thumbs up to their message to indicate that.

All of us rely on github issues to fix problems… Please don’t piss in this communal swimming pool…