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The original was posted on /r/squaredcircle by /u/adukadu on 2024-06-03 20:08:50+00:00.

Appearing on the Lightweights podcast, Cage provided more insight into his current contract.

“I don’t see myself going anywhere else. With how long I’ve been there and how long my contract is for and everything else, it makes sense to stay put and I’m happy with that,” he said.

When asked if his AEW contract has “about six years more, right?” Cage replied, “Yeah, yeah.”

Asked if he negotiated the deal himself, Cage said, “No, I do have an agent. The first time I’ve used an agent was with this contract. My first contract with AEW, my contract with WWE and Lucha (Underground), it’s always been me. I finally used an agent this last time.”

Cage said it was a good choice to go with an agent.

Asked what his agent helped with, Cage said, “It was a little bit of everything, including bonuses. Like a DVD bonus menu. I basically talked to him, we went back and forth until I felt like, ‘that’s as far as I’m going to go,’ and then tag him in to add anything onto it. I felt like I got a little bit of everything with him.”