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The original was posted on /r/linustechtips by /u/MosDefJoseph on 2023-07-04 17:06:19+00:00.

I can’t help but feel if this were Nvidia blocking AMD tech, the response would be very different. Hardware Unboxed shows what a proportional response looks like. All we got from Linus was a wimpy “I don’t like it”.

Disclaimer: Nvidia is trash too. They have pulled plenty of garbage moves themselves. AMD should not be given the free pass on this because Nvidia bad. My opinion however is that I’ve never seen Nvidia brazenly out right block AMD tech in fact they could have done so with Freesync, and they opted not to. This AMD policy strikes me as particularly heinous and a horrible step in the wrong direction for the PC market. A market that is defined on user choice and customization.