25 y/o programmer from Germany
Haha thanks! I’m definitely keeping an open mind to extending the sweater if I ever come across the right yarn again haha
Thanks!! I’m not good with instructions, so the whole thing was just kinda winged haha. I’ve jotted down a quick sketch of what I remember for you though, hope it’s clear enough!
Ah, makes sense. Guess it just depends on what you’re familiar with. I’d interpret “Alpine Meadow” as either a meadow in the Alps, or as a meadow that looks like a meadow in the Alps lol
I have never seen a situation where buying a phone from a carrier is worth it. Is buying the phone you want separately not an option for you?
My phone bill (unlimited calls/ 12GB mobile data) is 7€ a month. So even 89$ a month seems really extreme imo.
I’m out of the loop, is the word Alpine used to refer to anything that isn’t the Alps?
I want the damn feathers for the social aspect! If we were allowed to preen each other, the world would be a better place!
Offbrand Djungeskög ???
Uff, genau andersrum. Hab nie aufgehört wie ein Student zu leben und zu depressiv für große Ausgaben :(
Like anyone else, I’d say buy stock/bitcoin, but the overlap of me being old enough to have my own bank account and the time where stocks/bitcoin was worth it is fairly slim. Maybe I’d go back to like 2019/2020 and pump all my money into Gamestop.
The only car infrastructure I support is little loop-de-loops on streets. That would be fun.
All 3 are the same person
Orcas? I must have missed that one, what happened?
Love the story telling in baba is you
Not straight, and not a man, but I just think they’re neat! There really doesn’t need to be a “why” to attraction, sometimes your brain just sees something and goes “yes”
Thank you!