Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Brazil apparently propping up the internet, but huge swathes of twitter shutdown when Brazil banned it a while back, for a short time.
Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine Brazil apparently propping up the internet, but huge swathes of twitter shutdown when Brazil banned it a while back, for a short time.
My current and former workplace both took huge hits and ended up cutting staff because it suddenly became super expensive to import raw materials, and more difficult and expensive to export finished goods. But it’s ok because some retired boomers get to shout ‘taking our country back’ then blame foreigners for anything negative that happens
Christmas dinner when my grandparents would join us, miss them loads
They will be when public funds get used to prop up an ‘important economy’ In the ‘nations interest’
Most likely a testing facility for prototype aircraft, although probably not anymore because of how much attention it gets now
Describes a lot of my childhood to be honest I was a social pariah for some reason. Completly changed when I went to college and made new friends, and now a lot of my happiest memories surround my college years. I even met my wife there!
Awwww this hits hard I’ll always remember the German shepard from when I was a kid she had such a gentle temperament.
I saw a video on YouTube showing how to use them for knitting gloves, you can still buy plastic versions
A controller for my switch that looks like gengar
The two reasons I’m still on Facebook are 1 my parents are on their, 2 to keep and eye on what bands are on locally at the pub
A very toxic industry to be in, I used to be an engineer for a company that looked after slot machines here in the UK. High Street betting shops would regularly get smashed up by people after they lost all their money, but they would just pay us to repair them and let them back a few weeks later because they knew they’d be back. Completely taking advantage of people with a very real problem.
If anything I have the opposite with my garmin watch that shows my heart rate. I’ve gotten used to seeing what my heart rate does just before I have a panic attack. This has really helped me ‘catch’ myself before it happens and calm myself down. I’ve not had one for over 2 years.
I’ll be honest those would be amazing in the winter
I used to work with someone who believed the pyramids are fake, also I have seen a photo of the same person visiting the pyramids on holiday when they were younger. There was no changing their minds either, so weird.
I work some where that does double shift which is mornings one week and afternoons the next. It’s OK but id prefer standard days, I have however done triple shift for a year at one job and it completely messed me up, and to this day I blame it for giving me super high blood pressure I didn’t have before I started it. It all comes down to profits, why buy another machine to manufacture whatever it is you do when you could simply run the same machine 24/7. Although it inevitably leads to disaster one machine doing all the work as triple shifts leave little time for maintenance and seeing managers flap about because a machine broke down because you were allowed to shut it down to grease the bearings once a week is hilarious.
I have a dead uncle because of these nonsense theories he refused to wear a mask, social distance etc. The inevitable happened and he passed from covid within a week. All because of anonymous people on Facebook who I will never meet, and will never suffer the consequences of their actions. Makes me so angry
Here in the UK we have a shortage of builders electricans plumbers etc, mainly because my millennial generation couldn’t get trained, there was a focus on only taking on experienced people, with apprenticeships seen as old fashioned, so very few offered them. In fact apprenticeships have only come back in the last 15 years or so in a big way because the government subsidises them. The thing I remember vividly were a few newspaper articles talking how lazy my generation were, when we were literally cut off from decent employment opportunities.
Someone told a mistruth on the Internet?! Surly this must be a first, we should do something about this post haste
I think it would depend on the specs of the camera but what about an infra red torch or light, invisible to the naked eye it would blind and disrupt a camera so the computer can’t see the moves