What’s so magic about the number 100?
What’s so magic about the number 100?
20 pushups every morning before my shower. My back is a not cured, but a lot better for it.
RAID is 100% about uptime, not backups. If you want less downtime then RAID is your friend.
Having said that, RAID in modern systems is broken and you should use ZFS instead: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l55GfAwa8RI
They keep getting removed from the kernel.
Firewall bypass °!°
If you move from twitter thinking it’ll not end up like twitter you’re wrong. It’ll go through the same growing pains process and you’ll end up right back where you started with nothing to show for it.
Having a browser in a browser is surprisingly useful.
I consider Authenticator Pro to be basically perfect
No. The less code for a given set of functionality the better… often. Removing functionality just to reduce code is daft. Otherwise stop adding any features. Remove all features of the kernel until machines only just boot. Lot less code!
But that’s true of all code in the kernel. If any change can break something then all broken bits will need fixing. Why not remove all drivers in case an update breaks them. Things can’t be preemptively fixed before breaking changes are made. A driver can be complete and only need updating if someone else breaks stuff, so leave it alone until then and only remove it I’d no one comes to fix it.
Removing functionality just in case is daft.
Why clear them out if they still work and are useful? Seems like a backwards step. What’s that phrase that people throw about:sometimes things are just done and don’t need changing.
Its good that there’s a new team coming in. But the only thing I know about Cadillac’s as a non-USAian is they are lolloping barges.
Drones are piloted and controlled by humans, not AI.
I was meant to be Better FS, but it corrupted it to btrfs without noticing.
I think it has more issues than just with raid 5 &6!
I’ve never heard anyone say ZFS broke, corrupted their data or failed in any way at all. With btrfs it’s a consistent complaint. And btrfs literally has modes of operation that are known to be broken. I could understand if it was a new file system, but it can almost drink in pubs.
So, what you’re saying is, “it works on my machine”
I bought a dehumidifier last week and having clothes dry over one night is fantastic.