
For all your owl related needs!

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I agree. While not the “best” pictures, I feel this likely captures what it actually looks like more than some skilled photographer’s shot.

    I was also just very excited to see it hanging out at a residence. From what I gather, these guys aren’t exactly an owl one runs into regularly, so it was cool to see it come check out us humans.

  • Trump goes back to Nixon (he basically hired all the same people that tried to cover for him, Ailes, Stone, others).

    Nixon getting away with things to save the country further embarrassment goes back to the post-Civil War events.

    Events leading up to the Civil War, ie. slavery, starts in the Americas between 1492 if you count the Caribbean, the 1500s if we’re talking Ponce DeLeon, and the 1600s if we’re looking at just the people that directly lead to modern America.

    I truly hope Trump can be looked at less consequentially in the future, but we’re not at the end of his time in politics yet, so who can say. He’s got a lot of competition for worst president ever, he’s just at the front of everyone’s mind because we’re in the present. I remember when we thought no one could top Bush Jr.

  • It’s a shame to see this thread start this way.

    Stuff like Zinn is important to know about, but it isn’t a very good starting place for a non-American in my opinion. If one grew up on the older and more sanitized version of American history we were taught, Zinn and those like him are important. For someone with no context, I think it would be very discouraging to start reading the dirt first. Let OP get their toes wet first before throwing them in the deep end.

    OP, as I said, things like Zinn’s books or talks, or if you want a little more fun, the Behind the Bastards podcasts can give you gritty deep dives into specific topics, people, or events of interest to you, so don’t discount them totally. I’m glad you’re looking for a factual and less biased history.

    Depending where you’re from, America still can have a lot of positive achievements and wild history, good and bad worth learning about. As you can see, our freedom to complain about every aspect ever about our government is a large part of that history, and that’s also brought good and bad changes.

  • Are we talking about America as in the people’s history of one or two entire continents, or as in the country of the United States?

    If it’s the latter, CrashCourse: US History can get you started with some solid basics of different time periods of significance. It treats the subject seriously, but doesn’t take itself overly serious, so it isn’t too dry as you get started.

    Since we’re a “new” country, so much of our history is documented and preserved that you can deep dive almost any moment of it, so we don’t have any real “dark ages” where there’s a lot of questions as to what happened or why.

  • I mean, most of us came here because we didn’t want people to tell us what we could or couldn’t do other places.

    Why do people want to tell this person they can’t be a dinosaur dragon if it isn’t hurting anything?

    Again, read drag’s comments and not the pronouns of they bother you, and they are quite typical. If people didn’t go on the offensive against them, they wouldn’t particularly stand out from most others’ comments. And that’s not to say I feel drag is the one that needs to knock it off, I feel it’s a hang up on the receiver’s end of things.

    You won’t find me insulting anyone here because while there are people here I’m not fans of, it’s not my place to tell them to get lost. I ignore them, or block them if it’s too much to ignore.