I felt bad about skinnyfying the horse we got a mod instead to widen some paths!
Yeah, my dad would get me and my twin something small and mother something big. So if he got her a lot of chocolates, we’d get a little thing of chocolates! The bed thing is
Getting ready to take husband to physical therapy today. Then we’ll all go to the grocery store to buy stuff for dinner since my root canal got canceled again and I hadn’t planned on doing anything for valentines because I was suppose to have the root canal today. Although today is siblings day to cook, so maybe we have valentines dinner tomorrow instead. We’ll still buy groceries. The kitten would like it to be known it’s almost 10am and humans are suppose to be awake and paying attention to her. So I better go do that.
Trying to add an onsen mod to the mods, but the one sibling found is a zip file and not just easy vortex stuff so I’ve forgotten how to errr use that. Sibling makes a mod, but the information also left their head so no onsen for now.
I have a set of microfiber cloths with one per room. Once they get filthy I wash them in a small clothes bag. And every so often just buy a new pack. They’re cheap.
I hate this part of the brain. I have an appointment at 2pm. Why must I be awake at 9 and… waiting. Anxiously.
Just learned my health insurance is undergoing medical review which is probably bad. Didn’t learn from them, no. One of my doctors trying to get approval learned. Fucking jooooy. I’m guessing it’s dealing with my dentist office being Really Bad At Their Jobs.
I’m tired. I just want better teeth and Healthcare.
Yesterday was lamb curry which was nice. Spicy at the backend but not so spicy my teeth hurt more than they always do. Tonight is… the leftovers of that, maybe!
The Cat Diary is absolutely hilarious. All the drawing is like super horror because it’s Junji Ito, but the story is cute so it just makes me laugh at his wife’s face and his faces!
I love the Alot so so much. Just wanna hug most of them! You could say I love the Alot a lot!
Yes, but cooking it at low heat can add a nice nutty flavor to it!
Either the big lights don’t work at all (living room, bedroom) or they are the only lights (computer room, kitchen). I do like overhead lights in the kitchen, just for being able to see what I’m cooking and cleanliness.
Making lamb curry in the slow cooker! I’m afraid it might be too spicy for me. Probably not too spicy for my husband at least.
Got back into Loop Hero. I just needed to loop some.
Chick Tracts are distinct.
I once found a huge grab bag of random ones at my gynos office like 15 years ago now.
I took them all. I had to see the stupidity. And get them away from people who don’t need that shit in their lives.
Only if they don’t recover from the bsod, right? If they do recover, it’s probably…assault. Battery? Both? I’m unsure.
I was into Full Tilt, the pinball thing that I remember playing extensively on XP
The dodge caravan was my teenage car. I loved it. Big. Ugly. No one wanted to drive with me and that was perfect because they also would have tried smoking in the car and I’d have broken out in hives. I miss you, dodge caravan.
Maybe she’ll get the help she needs then, without humans being weird! Hopefully!
“I need help” was one of the earliest things mom taught me to say to other people.
Of course people mocking one for needing help/not knowing something made that really unpleasant and wish humans were less…humany sometimes.
I liked it! I’d make it again for the holidays.