Good. Who is next?
Good. Who is next?
No you are full of shit. Copying one of your comments here before I block you:
Trump has to win, we must push for paper ballots and voter ID, and fucking California bans voter ID, motherfuckers
Why though? Does anyone know why the US even care about Cuba?
As reported Here 10 days ago
Any reason to think DWP will behave any better than the post office with private investigations and prosecutions ?
Just leaving this here
The article is a bit shitty. I’m sure exxon-mobile are lying about something and i do not want to defend them. But the article does not spell out what they said on this topic that was actually a lie, and goes on to state how much was actually recycled - plastic recycling is a complex topic, but the fact that not everything that can be recycled is actually recycled is hardly exxon’s fault
That’s v1 of the ts10, I don’t think they sell them anymore. The v2 has rgb aux leds
For the last day.
Some more details may be helpful. I’m on ios and use compact setting, never had it revert to large
On iOS, swiping in the sidebar does nothing on my phone.
You sure about that?
You missed out bully, misogynist
Not found such an option but fat fingered me would appreciate one.
WTF is a wifi company? Next up: how a cat5 company can protect your privacy??
Checked the mod log. Seems a bit harsh to delete your comment
Agreed, it is totally subjective. For me, 5 posts in quick succession, all linking to the same website, is spammy, and i will downvote it. Interesting technology, but one post with a link is enough for me. But i respect anyone’s right to disagree and upvote the posts.
Thank you. Anyone else having problems with links not loading lately?