• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023


  • I’ve had the idea for a few years now that Delta or a conglomeration of airlines should invest in passenger rail from these small regional airports to the big hubs.

    Phoenix has Sky Harbor in the city proper, and then Mesa Gateway only about 20 miles east. If they could just hook the light rail between the two, you could eliminate the need to fly in and out of the small airport.

    In Michigan there are DTW, and then small airports in Lansing, Flint, and Grand Rapids. If Delta built rail along or above the freeways that connect those cities to Romulus (where DTW is), they could probably get rid of their service to those airports entirely.

  • Finished the audiobook of Best Served Cold from Joe Abercrombie. I love the narrator for the audiobook, but this one dragged for me. Just started listening to The Heroes and hope that one drags less so I can get caught back up before I start the Age of Madness trilogy.

    In print I’m reading Gamechanger by LX Beckett. I’m not in love with it, but it’s getting interesting enough to keep going. If it doesn’t get better I picked up Sea of Dust from C Robert Cargill at the library as well.

  • What are the steps to a revolution without a civil war?

    And wow, you looked at all, what, 25 Lemmy posts I have? Wow. Genius fucking detective here.

    I don’t support fascism, you stupid fuck, but because I ALSO don’t support just murdering all the Republicans in the country, somehow that means I’m for the status quo.

    I have zero to apologize for. You’re a dumb fucking teenager who thinks that we should have a revolution that somehow doesn’t devolve into a civil war, as if you can just say some magic words and red states, which have been a problem for this country since its foundation with all of the shitty compromises that had to be made to even FORM the United States, are somehow going to say “Oh, shit, this kid on the internet is right! Let’s accept what the left wants now!”

    We agree that American conservatives are shitty humans who SHOULDN’T have power, but one of us doesn’t want millions of people to die to take power from them.

    If I could wave a magic wand and take all military assets out of Confederate states while also getting every non-fascist out and to the better part of the US, then expel those shithole states, I would. But there’s no magic. There’s no way forward without war until at least until the geriatrics in charge die of old age. Unfortunately, the right has also weaponized new media, so GenX and a lot of my fellow elder Millennials have fallen for their shit, but fortunately it’s far fucking fewer than the Boomers and the self-glossed Greatest Generation.

    I’m not willing to start killing Republicans, but it sure as fuck sounds like you are. About as far as I’d recommend is to slap anyone at your middle school who listens to Andrew Tate or Joe Rohan.