If it did, the heater wouldn’t look like this.
If it did, the heater wouldn’t look like this.
That’s also falling for scapegoats. The call is coming from inside the house, and it has been for over three decades.
The center is apathetic and hostile to the left because they’re not the left. They’re not courting leftwingers because they don’t want them. They keep reaching across the isle because they fundamentally agree with their basic beliefs. It’s why Sorkin dreams about President Mitt Romney (D). The grand Neoliberal turn is disintegrating, and is being besieged by MAGA from the right and progressives from the left, and both the dems and the GOP are consistently moving right because while they find MAGA brutish and uncouth, they’re appeasable, whereas the demands from the left are fundamentally unacceptable to them.
Yup. Pronounced “fa-gott” or “fa-goh”.
It’s the Schrodinger’s Tankies. Simultaneously so insignificant as a voting block that it’s a waste of time to appeal to them, and so influential that it’s exclusively their fault when the dems lose.
That’s like blaming January 6th on Bernie.
Diameter is not circumference.
I feel “lemmings” is a better term. Doubly so in context.
…I typed out an answer in agreement, but then I remembered the folks around him, and I’m not even sure that’s a safe bet anymore.
That’s exactly the problem: he’s an anomaly, he’s a one off, he’s a foreign ploy, he’s unique and we just have to get rid of him, and everything will be fine again, he’s certainly not an outgrown of a movement thats been gaining steam for decades and points to deep systematic problems with the American politics and polity, no sir, everything else is fine, it’s just him and him alone.
Depends on the SCO system. If I can swipe the item, swipe the card, and walk, then yeah, great. But if it can’t handle small items, can’t handle packages, and in particular makes you scan the receipt, no thanks. You cut an employee, eat the shrinkage and leave me alone.
The concern is legitimate, but it falls into the same “never again - to us” pit Israel fell into. Another potential framing one could take of the issue - one I feel is more helpful - would go something like: 80 years ago, the world got together to help save Germany from itself, and it’s time to return the favor, hopefully before it gets completely out of hand like last time.
Duee, FEMA was a conspiracy trigger since before 9/11.
I remember a homeless guy who attempted a terror attack by stabbing people in a convenience store, where the FBI came up with the attack, convinced him to do it, bought him a knife, and gave him a lift to the store.
Double new lines, it eats single ones.
By the time we get there it might just be habitable.
This is a very interesting idea. It would certainly explain why people seem to constantly “infill” everything everone says with whatever gets them the most angry - the algo feeds them ragebait, so that’s what they see.
IIRC, most fissile fuel, worldwide, is from Russia. I know most of France’s is.
My truck and a random tree are on a path toward a catastrophic crash.
We condemn the tree’s refusal to move.
Let me guess, it’s not “boots on the ground”.because they’re wearing sneakers?