Since the latest upgrade, posts federated from (and to!) other lemmy instances are having their titles on truncated to 100 characters.

At first i thought this must be due to a different configured character limit on different instances, but then I noticed that (1) posts here on are still allowed to have longer titles (200 chars is the client side limit I see currently, at least) and (2) this is oddly happening here on also to posts made by users to remote instances.

Compare these two posts from a user, which should have the same title:

  • “What’s a good tablet and touch screen oriented Linux distro or desktop environment? Can any of them compete with something like Android?”
  • “What’s a good tablet and touch screen oriented Linux distro or desktop environment? Can any of them”

The second of those was posted to a remote community on lemmygrad, but by a user. Note that the lemmygrad version of that same post does not have its title truncated.

Here is’s truncated version of a post to a beehaw community from a beehaw user (and again, that title is not truncated in beehaw’s copy of the post).

tldr: afaict this problem is only occurring on’s versions of posts in remote communities, and happens regardless of if the post was made via or not.

edit: i guess probably this recent commit from @[email protected] will fix it? but I’m still curious why this currently appears to be happening only on’s versions of posts in remote communities (and in both directions).

edit2: ok, i see it is actually happening elsewhere too, eg the lemmygrad copy of the /c/linux tablet post above. So, I guess it is currently happening to any remote community anywhere, regardless of where the user posting from. 🤔 thanks @[email protected] for (presumably) fixing it already and sorry for the noise.

  • Salamander
    31 year ago

    The MAX_TITLE_LENGTH is applied to posts that are fetched from other instances using activitypub. The posts that are posted within an instance do not pass through that processing step.