At the moment I’ve dusted off a guitar and a bass I bought close to 20 years ago, an Ibanez EDB300 bass guitar
and my FrankenFender
a modified/mutilated Fender MusicMaster.

Without more experience then just messing about with a bad accoustic I thought those weren’t to bright purchases, but at least I had a chance on getting to learn to play them, although I just started last month. (after fixing the FrankenFender, the added pickup is dead)

When shopping for some useful additions (tuner, neckband, stand) I however found the Fazley FMB218NT
at a very low cost, so I just added it to the basket before checking out. I think for now, buying a fretless bass when just learning to play tops it (for now), although I hope it manages to force me to concentrate more on the left hand.

I guess I’m not the only one that was a tad to enthusiastic when starting, what do you all consider as your (initially) bad decisions and how did they turn out?

Edit: Layout corrections and used my own pick for the Fazely instead of a static one from the shop (that didn’t work in [email protected])

  • TheInsane42@lemmy.worldOP
    1 year ago

    Hmmm, I think I can add ‘buy a guitar stand’ to the list as well, or at least one that’s to small, full.


    from left to right:

    • Ibanez EDB400
    • Fazley FMB218NT-FL
    • Fender Musicmaster (Frankenfender)
    • Angelica 2841
    • A restoration by my uncle of a guitar that was smashed in a school play in '84 (sounds terrible, but it’s staying for obvious sentimental reasons)

    At least no chance for gas guy to sell me more.