I am learning how to use git, rust, and the ActivityPub protocol. I am looking through issues in github and trying to see if there are issues that are simple enough to help with.

I have read the “Contributing” section, but it is not very specific. I have a few questions:

  • Should one discuss with developers before submitting a pull request, or is it better to submit a pull request and then they can decide if they accept it or not?
  • Should pull requests be sent to merge changes into the master branch, or to a different branch?
  • Is it ok for users to make small contribution, such as fixing a typo or small bug? Or should users only attempt to contribute when they have a more significant contribution to make, such as implementing federation with a new project?

I have found many resources about how to work with Git but not about the etiquette. So if anyone has some resources on the etiquette for collaborating to projects via github, or specifically for Lemmy, that would be very helpful!