Hey there,
It seems from my instance, I don’t receive everything posted on other instances. Is there something to sync posts and comments or am I doomed to be behind all of this for the rest of eternity?

  • Lionel C-R
    12 years ago

    You need to at least search for remote communities from your instance to see their content appear. Keep in mind it’s not retroactive though (I think), you’ll see content from the moment you made the search.

    • JaeOP
      12 years ago

      Alright, so no way to manually trigger a sync to get missed stuff?

      • Lionel C-R
        22 years ago

        I don’t think so but maybe you should get confirmation from the Devs. I don’t know if you’re in the same case than me but I made a script to workaround this federation issue. Maybe it could be useful to you. I explained it in a little blog post

      • @[email protected]
        22 years ago

        If some user or your instance subscribe to one of these communties, sync will be made as far as this user is there.

        • JaeOP
          12 years ago

          That’s really weird, the instance seems to not sync some posts and no errors from here.
          Asked the admins of the other instance if they had any on their side.

          • @[email protected]
            12 years ago

            Are these posts made by people from the instance the community is set, or by external people also subscribed to the community?