• Zron@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    This is how I convinced my grandfather climate change was real.

    For the passed 50 years, he’s gone up to his cabin and fished.

    Over the passed 10 years, he’s caught less and less fish.

    When I was a kid, you could hardly put your rod in the water before you’d get something to bite. We’d through back a dozen fish before keeping one that was bigger. Now you’re lucky to get a single fish in several hours.

    I asked him about the bugs, and he admitted there were less bugs in the windscreen then anytime in his life. And what do freshwater fish eat a lot of? Insect larvae and dead insects on the water. No food means no fish.

    I think he finally realized just how fucked everything has to be for so many bugs to die off that fish start to die, and all the animals in the area that eat those fish. He kind of had an existential crisis, but unfortunately has ended up with the mindset “it’s gonna suck for you and your kids, but I’ll be dead before it’s really my problem”

    But at least now he acknowledges climate change is real.