• corsicanguppy
    6 months ago

    Is that like how the gov now threatens to take away equal healthcare access? Because they don’t.

    It’s been the death of many a campaign to cheapen up the terms of our equal access, and our stupid conservatives keep trying to lipstick up that pig and hoping the hillbillies and impressionable dodge ram pilots fall for it.

    In my country, the people who handle pension, unemployment insurance, medical unemployment, that kind of thing, they’ll handle UBI.

    In fact, UBI is just the consolidation of all that into one cheque. Think about it – you get x dollars if certain things are true, and the UBI simply levels that number and says “this is what everyone gets and people who don’t need it will end up giving it back via taxes on all their income for the year.”

    The math works better once some essentials - healthcare, training, transportation - are centralized as a free service instead of giving out money to people so they can give it to some greedy for-profit organization. But some of that - especially colleges - will take some time to convert to non-profit, single-payer, and open books.

    You’ll find the math reeeeally works out when the wealthy pay their share: we can support a lot of retirees and amputees in a dignified manner once the Rockefellers pay up.

    “Make American great again” like the '60s? Sure buddy, we’ll start with the tax rates.