• corsicanguppy
    6 months ago

    You seem to equate “not excluding from” to “giving away”.

    The two are not the same. There’s one Rosa Parks worth of difference.

    As well, UBI experiments where they actually did “just give people money” didn’t result in fewer people working: the result was more job hopping with greater confidence, better food with more security, and some people used it to support a learning habit. It pretty much was a slam dunk.

    Yes, there are “dole kings” who never work and subsist on welfare-type funding, and for them that’s okay. But they’re so rare that unless you happen to glance out of your chauffered limousine to tut-tut at the plebes, you wouldn’t remark on their even existence. It’s like “vaccine side-effect” rare; it’s like “only useful as a conservative talking point” rare. The vaaaaast majority apparently used the money to better themselves or gain more food-security or the like. Like chumps.