I met a girl that I’m interested in and enjoys comics like I do, would something like asking her out to a comic store be dumb? I have a hard time talking to girls so not sure if this would be a dumb idea.

  • FlightyPenguin@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    "Hey, wanna go on a comic book store date with me at [store name] on [day of the week]?

    The ask, the expectation of a date (and admission of romantic interest), and a specific time and place. Don’t leave the question open-ended or vague. Then she can respond in a few ways: 1. Yes. 2. I’m not free that day; is there another day that we could go? 3. No thank you.

    This makes everything as clear as it can be, with little room for misunderstanding. And it’s not a dumb idea at all to have a comic book store date. If you have a hard time talking to girls, don’t talk to girls. Talk to humans who happen to be girls. They’re people, and you’re a person too, so you don’t need to overthink it.

    You got this! Good luck!

    • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】@lemmy.world
      7 months ago

      This is the way. Maybe add in “I was thinking of going there to shop for [comic store merch], and maybe getting one of the famous [food items] they make a few doors down at [food establishment], and it would be fun if you join me.”

      Maybe she says no. Great! You can then mentally break up with whatever image of the two of you that you had in your mind, and go ask the next person. And if only one in ten says yes, that’s great.

      She’s probably going to say yes and be super excited.