Academically hard (I blame ADHD), easy in socialization. I wish I just dropped out and got a GED instead; high school was such a waste of my time, even when I enjoyed social moments.

I will not be going to college; it’s a waste of my time considering how much tech I already learned from the internet.

I still don’t understand why so many people with ADHD or Autism still want to go to College; it is a system that encourages rote memory and only allows social students to succeed. It works against their neurodiversity.

  • m-p{3}
    32 years ago

    It was relatively easy for me. I wasn’t really social either, I didn’t make really any close friends while at school, and I didn’t keep in touch with them either. I just have my small circle of friends now, and I like it that way. I didn’t find high school to be particularly useful knowledge-wise, just as a mean to an end.

    To be honest, I learned a lot of tech before going specializing in it out of sheer curiosity and passion, but getting the actual diploma helped me getting where I am today. Technology is a vast domain, and sure there is some stuff you need to memorize and you need to understands the basics to have a good foundation, but some of it you only get good at it by understanding a vast array of concepts, a bit like medicine (even if a bit presomptuous). Some are better than the others to quickly grasps those concepts, and they don’t really teach you how to make those connections, and frankly that’s the interesting part.

    I’m pretty sure it gave me the edge against some who didn’t have any diploma at first, but now my CV is mostly speaking for itself. I don’t really have trouble finding work that pays a salary that suits my consumption habits (I’m tend to save as much as I can, to spend when I really need to), and I find my life as a whole as satisfying.