Interesting to see how high Lemmy sits. That is basically total users divided by number of instances.

  • @[email protected]
    213 years ago

    I find that hardly surprising. There aren’t many lemmy instances out there yet, it is relatively hard to discover groups hosted elsewhere, and the whole UX lends itself towards a “many groups on one server, why venture elsewhere?” approach. Naturally users cluster to the(ir) “main” instance. From a resilience/federation perspective that is a Bad ThingTM, just like it is with Mastodon (that monopolized the microblogging federation space so much, it has become synonymous with it in many peoples minds).

    Here’s to hoping other lemmy-compatible1 servers will be written.

    1 Let’s not get into a discussion of how all ActivityPub implementations are compatible, shall we?

  • poVoq
    3 years ago

    Not a good thing IMHO, but basically just a result of few instances and 2-3 really big ones.

    We need more instances, but for example I though long and hard about hosting my own, and the main reason why I ultimately decided against it (for now) is the relative lack of good moderation tools in Lemmy.

    P.S.: Strange that Misskey is so low. There must be a lot of one person instances or some sort of data error.

    • Lilium
      23 years ago

      I am not a heavy Mastodon user, but I heard about Misskey for the very first time yesterday. From what I could gather from the few-days-old conversation, it’s only now starting to gain traction as “everybody seems to be jumping in”.

      • poVoq
        43 years ago

        Really? It has been around nearly as long as Mastodon and was always a good alternative. The problem I guess is that the documentation is mostly in Japanese.

      • poVoq
        13 years ago

        Not really. It’s a pretty standard NodeJS app. Definitely less heavy then Mastodon.