And like there’s this person that you were, and this person that you are going to be, and the person you are now doesn’t know how much you need to get rid of past you to make room for future you. And you feel overwhelmed in this decision and become paralyzed, not actually moving forward with the conscious decisions of what to let go, and things start to fall away but you don’t know if those are the right things.

I’ve just feeling like that for a while. I know there are things I need to let go of, but when I try to do it, it causes me great anxiety and I stop. I’m just wondering if anyone else ever feels the same.

Thanks for listening.

    1 year ago

    I genuinely don’t know. Personally, I vacillate between thinking of myself as a continuum (past-present-future me are all linked together and so I exist throughout time as the whole collective), or “I” don’t really exist (I’ve always been different moment to moment, so there’s no real me, so what really matters is focusing on what’s happening right here, right now).

    Granted, a lot of the time I’m just anxious and I’m not really thinking about it philosophically. 🤷🏻‍♀️